Friday, December 18, 2009

Women's Worth

I don't feel okay today. I was visited by my period. The first day is actually fast. The blood flowly runs fast. In fact, it is my third time now that I changed napkins this day.

There aer lots of things that women carry about. Just like these natural occurences of every woman's life - menstruation, pregnancy and even serious internal diseases are not an exemption. Women are prone to internal defection and most are victim of cancer.

That is why, I always take good care of my body and health. Times like these that me going through menstruation is inevitably unavoidable. I suffer too much pain. Whatever I do to alleviate the endless pain, there is nothing I can do instead to take the scruciating pain.

Indeed, it is not easy to be a woman. There are numerous roles and responsibilities that a woman possess. She is a child, a daughter, a wife, a mother to her children and being in such a position is worth an essence of everyone's life.

I don't know why I often feel like recalling the worth of a woman especially in times when I'm experiencing monthly menstruation.

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